Refreshment Services Pepsi Movie Night-“The Goonies”

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

Come back to the Washington! It's Movie Night 2 with "The Goonies" Movie time is 6pm. Tickets are $10. for Adults and $5 for children under 12. Tickets are available at the door only. The Goonies: Old-fashioned yarn about a band of adventurous kids who take on the might of a property developing company which…

Pepsi Movie Night: The Wizard of Oz

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

Come down to the Washington Theater and enjoy this family classic! Movie starts at 6:00pm, doors open at 5:00pm. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for kids under 12. We will have Pepsi, popcorn and snacks available. Tickets are only available at the door! We have plenty of seats but if you would…

Pepsi Movie Night: Grease – PLUS Costume & Karaoke Contests

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

UPDATE TO PEPSI MOVIE NIGHT! Before the Movie we will hold a Costume Contest and Karaoke Contest. WINNER FROM EACH RECEIVES $100.00!!! Doors will open at 5pm - Costume Contest at 5:30pm - Karaoke Contest at 6pm - Movie Starts at 7pm!! Join us at the Washington Theater for another classic movie, Grease. Movie starts…

Music Trivia Night – On The Big Screen

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

Everyone had a blast at the 2023 Music Trivia Night at the Washington! We are doing it again for 2024 on Saturday September 28 at 7pm. Thanks to Hansen-Spear Funeral home for being our Trivia Partner! All questions will have video clues. No other music trivia like this in the area. Lots of great NEW…


Refreshment Services Pepsi Movie Night-“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

Come Back to the Washington! It's Movie Night 3 with "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" Movie time is 6pm. Tickets are $10. for Adults and $5 for children under 12. Tickets available at the door only. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: Another exciting collaboration between George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, Temple…

Pepsi Movie Night: GHOSTBUSTERS

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

Thanks to Wandering Calf Productions we are adding another classic movie at the Washington Theater for Pepsi Movie Night. Bring the family and enjoy the classic, GHOSTBUSTERS. This is the original classic movie. Doors open at 5pm and the Movie starts at 6pm. Tickets are $5 for kids under 12 and $10 for adults. Pepsi…

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

This cult classic, Rocky Horror Picture Show is back at the Washington Theater! We have one showing - 7pm on Saturday October 26! Doors open at 6pm. We will have adult beverages available! We have plenty of seats! Price is $20. per person and includes a prop bag for the movie! You can purchase tickets…


Refreshment Services Pepsi Movie Night-“Gremlins”

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

Come Back to the Washington! It’s Movie Night 4 with “Gremlins” Movie time is 6pm. Tickets are $10. for Adults and $5 for children under 12. Tickets available at the door only. Gremlins: A gremlin is a mischievous folkloric creature invented at the beginning of the 20th century to originally explain malfunctions in aircraft, and later in…

The Land Before Time Movie & Dino Exhibit

Washington Theater 427 Hampshire St, Quincy, IL, United States

What a fun morning for kids! The Washington Theater & The Quincy Children's Museum have teamed up for an event your kids will love! Doors open at 9:30am with a pre-show "Discover Dino Exhibit" by the Quincy Children's Museum! Then at 10:30am the Washington Theater presents the movie "The Land Before Time" Breakfast concessions will…